On Wednesday, I was privileged to attend a workshop by a photographer, who in my opinion is one of the best in the world. His name is Fer Juaristi and not only is he a top notch artist, he is a quality human being. One of the biggest things I learned from this crazy mexican was to let go and not be afraid to create – unleashe my creativity and shoot images that I love to shoot. I love images that are raw in emotion, aesthetically appealing in composition and dynamic in light.  Fer’s workshop inspired me to always keep those elements in mind as I shoot, and I know the results will be killer.

I was truly inspired on Wednesday, and I can speak for the other photographers that were there with me: Fer is the bomb. http://ferjuaristi.com/

A special thanks to the #mofos at Nordica Photography for getting this all together and a big thank you to the biggest #mofo, Fer! I cannot wait for this wedding season!

The following images are my favourites from throughout the day. Which one is yours!? 🙂