One of the things I loved the most about Jamie & Sharon’s lesbian wedding at the Teahouse in Stanley Park was how emotional they both got seeing each other a second time – even though they just saw each other moments ago for the first look. The energy of the day was so joyous and you could feel the excitement from each person.

“Sharon is extremely kind and patient – not just with me but with everyone in her life. If she is able to help someone she will do so. The second is that she will always encourage me to go for things in life; she enables me to improve myself as a human being each day. At the end of the day, I love spending my days laughing, eating, lazing together.”

– Jamie

“There are so many things I love deeply about Jamie, it’s hard to narrow it down to a short list, truly. Not only is she unconditionally kind and empathetic to everyone around her, she brings light, positivity, and laughter to my life everyday. She is undoubtedly my best friend and has brought joy to my world in more ways than I ever could have imagined. Jamie is the love of my life.”

– Sharon

ceremony setup for a lgbtq wedding at teahouse in stanley park

ceremony circle arch for a lgbtq wedding at teahouse in stanley park

wedding cake at teahouse in stanley park

flower girl walks down aisle with parents during lgbtq wedding ceremony at teahouse in stanley park

lesbian bride walks with parents down the aisle during lgbtq wedding ceremony

guests watch with love during lgbtq wedding ceremony at teahouse restaurant

bride's wife walks with parents during lgbtq wedding ceremony at teahouse in stanley park

sharon watcher jamie walk down the aisle during lgbtq wedding ceremony at teahouse restaurant

brides laugh during lgbtq ceremony at teahouse in stanley park

sharon reads her lgbtq wedding ceremony vows to jamie at teahouse stanley park

first kiss during lgbtq wedding ceremony at teahouse restaurant vancouver

lesbian couple at lgbtq wedding ceremony at teahouse stanley park vancouver

brides in black and white walking after lgbtq wedding ceremony in vancouver

lesbian wedding couple dance on vancouver seawall

brides hold hands in black and white at stanley park teahouse restaurant

brides laugh at lgbtq wedding reception at teahouse restaurant

brides in black and white react to speech at teahouse restaurant vancouver

best man reads speech at lgbtq wedding reception at teahouse restaurant

best person at lgbtq wedding reception has a speech at teahouse restaurant vancouver

lgbtq wedding reception speeches at teahouse restaurant

brides cake cutting at lgbtq wedding reception in vancouver

guests toss bouquet during lgbtq wedding reception teahouse restaurant

guest runs and catches wedding bouquet during lgbtq wedding reception at teahouse in stanley park vancouver

lesbian brides pop champagne at lgbtq wedding celebration in vancouver

lesbian wedding couple at teahouse restaurant

flower girl dances on the grass at lgbtq wedding reception in stanley park vancouver

two lesbian brides hold hands after lgbtq wedding reception at teahouse stanley park vancouver

See more LGBTQ+ celebrations here.